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Samsung NX 30mm f/2 EX-S30NB pancake lens test / review by Photozone

9 August, 2010 (10:28) | Lens, Review, Samsung | By: Camera News

Samsung NX 30mm f/2
Samsung NX 30mm f/2

The German photo website famous for their lens tests has reviewed a new Samsung lens. The lens is called Samsung NX 30mm f/2 and is a part of the new mirror-less camera system from Samsung. The lens is a so-called pancake lens with a fixed focal length and it is pretty bright at f/2. gives the Samsung NX 30mm f/2 a very good review as the lens is very sharp and takes good pictures. It also has good build quality, low price and has ok focus speed. There is about non distortions and chromatic aberrations. The only downside the reviewer finds with this Samsung lens is the quality of the bokeh which can be pretty harsh at times. Seems like a sure bet for all photographers who have invested in the NX system.
Read the full review of the Samsung NX 30mm f/2 lens here.

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