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New version of the free photo editing tool Paint.NET 3.30

21 April, 2008 (18:32) | Software | By: Camera News

The free photo and image editing tool Paint.NET, is now available in version 3.30. The new version of Paint.NET makes it easier for programmers to further develop the program, including plugins.
Here are some of the other updates:
-It is now possible to save PNG-files in both 8-bit and 24-bit color depths and BMP-files in 8-bit color depth.
-New fragment blur effect
-Polar inversion distortion effect has been enhanced
-Lots of errors in the previous version has been fixed

Read more about the changes here and Paint.NET 3.30 can be downloaded here. The photo editing tool is available for Windows XP, Server 2003, Server 2008 and Vista.

The web based photo editing tool Picnik gets new functions

12 March, 2008 (11:57) | Software | By: Camera News

The net based photo editing tool Picnic has reorganized their site. The biggest change is that several functions previously only available for members with Premium membership now is available for members using the free option.
The free version is financed by advertising.

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