OKI C310dn LED printer test / review by Trusted Reviews

Trusted Reviews has teste a color LED printer from OKI. The OKI printer is called OKI C310dn and is able to print up to 24 pages per minute or so OKI claims on their webpages. Let us hear what the reviewer over at Trusted Reviews has to say about this LED printer.
Some key features for the OKI C310dn printer:
-Print speeds up to 24 pages per minute in black and 22 pages per minute in color
-Print resolution up to 1200 x 600 dpi
-Automatic two-sided printing
-Warm-up time: 60 seconds
-250-sheet main paper tray
Trusted Reviews ends up giving the OKI C310dn an overall score of 7 out of 10 possible points. The printer scores highest on print quality while it scores a bit lower on print speeds, value for your money and features. The print quality is pretty good and the running costs are not very high, but the print speed could be a bit better so if you are looking for a printer for a busy work place there might be better choices out there.
Read the full review of the OKI C310dn LED printer here.