Canon PowerShot A590 IS camera review by Digital Camera Resource Page

Digital Camera Resource Page has reviewed the Canon PowerShot A590 IS camera. This compact camera features 4x optical zoom (35mm film equivalent: 35-140mm), image stabilization, 8.0 effective megapixels, 2.5″ LCD screen, full manual controls and VGA video mode.
DCRP ends up giving the Canon PowerShot A590 IS a good verdict for what it is; a budget camera. The camera can produce very good pictures in good light and is an great overall performer. Some downsides are that the PowerShot A590 IS doesn’t perform very well at higher ISO’s and the video mode isn’t really good as the frame rate has dropped to 20 fps from 30 fps which previous PowerShot models has.
Read the full review of the Canon PowerShot A590 IS here.